Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just checking in...

How are you? Good? I'm good too. Pretty good at least. October is a fun month. Some exciting stuff going on. Holidays. My birthday. Other people's birthdays.

Haven't blogged for a while. Just thought I'd check in with my devoted followers. Still hangin' in there? I hope so.

I'm trying to. Who isn't right?

It's started to rain out here in Washington. The rainy season. Summer was good though. Long days spent doing things people do in the summer. I like to swim.

What are you going as for Halloween? I'm not dressing up this year. Just not that into it anymore. I do like the candy though. Who doesn't. Thank you George Renninger.

Well, good talking to you. Sorry it's been so long since we've just chatted. It was nice wasn't it? I thought so too.