Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So when you get an email on your Blackberry and want to forward it to your other email account, make sure that you select the proper account. In my quest to be more mobil with my blogging, I enabled email blogging. I forwarded the message below to what I though was my work account, which turned out to be my mobile blogging account.

Strange thing is, some of you saw this before I did.

More soon....


Kristen said...

haha! yes, I was wondering why you would want to post that on your blog. Of course, you are free to post anything you want, and it was interesting I guess, but - yeah. This just makes more sense. :)

Unknown said...

I personally liked the approach of posting all emails directly to the blog. In a time of transparency and public access, I vote that all email be posted automatically. Just got the crackberry, trying to figure it out myself. Love it, but a bit trixy. Especially glad to see it was about triathlon.