Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fun with Chuck E.

Fall is the busiest time of the year for us. Take today for example. With four kids who interact with other kids, there is at least one to twenty birthday parties a month (I might have exaggerated the high there). This morning the party was a Chuck E Cheese's. Chuck seems to be a nice enough guy, but the place is a mad house on a Saturday at lunchtime. Then add keeping track of four kids who are let loose to play the video games/rides, collect tickets for prizes, and fend off potential undesireables (this Blog is PG so I won't elaborate on this). The most frustrating part for me is the non stop multimedia "entertainment". Theres a anamatronic Chuck E that sings and dances, a "live" Chuck E, and the Chuck E that appears in short videos on multiple screens. By the end of it, all I want to do is run from that place.

My niece Emily wrote about running over a racoon on her Blog tonight. All I can hope for after Chuck E. Cheese is to see that mouse walking in the parking lot. You can't fault somone for running over a racoon that jumps out in the road, what could they say about a bloated mouse?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why I Blog

Well to start, I don't blog much as one can see by my whopping 4 posts. However, many do. My niece Emily says bloggers make better friends. Maybe that's why I do it. Or to see my thoughts published on the web in searchable content. Or to show off my kids (which is really the purpose of my wife's Blog-see above-the kids really are cute). Or to have an outlet for thoughts on pressing issues-I did post on politics once. Or to participate in what is becoming an overwhelming force in popular culture as well as news media. Or to think that anyone will actually read my posts. Or to hope, for hopes sake, that someone, anyone, will comment on my thoughts.

People used to get along just fine without Blogs. Now I can't surf the Internet without my playlist playing in the background.

My wife says that the only reason that I started a Blog was to create a playlist and booklist from Goodreads. After much thought on the topic-see above-I have realized that is the overwhelming reason for my blog.

It really is a kickin' playlist.

Monday, September 1, 2008


My dad has several websites and is an active article writer and commentator on just about everything. I don't view him as someone who is overly interested in politics or a die hard supporter for either party. You can see the link to his blog above. I guess that is where I get it.

I don't particularly like republicans or democrats. I am not affiliated with either party and probably won't ever be. But I do usually side with the conservative arguments.

This is what I think Obama is for: Socialism, the elimination of judeo-christian values in favor of government dictated ethics, expanding government control, etc. After all, according to he wife, he is not going to let us remain unengaged:

"And Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism, that you put down your division, that you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones, that you push yourselves to be better, and that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed..." (Speech in February, 2008)

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices, that we are going to have to change our conversation, we're gonna have to change our traditions, our history, we're gonna have to move into a different place as a nation." (Campaign speech in Puerto Rico)

I'm not sure I want to change my history or traditions. And he's not talking about having ham instead of turkey at Thanksgiving. Oh, yeah and we can'tkeep the house at 72 degrees, eat whatever we want etc. It's bad for the country... (Those are things Obama has said)

He might be a nice enough guy, I don't know him, but I don't want higher taxes, more government spending for entitlements, weakened national security etc.

That said, McCain is not the complete opposite of that, but I do think that he will reduce spending, retain lower taxes, support the military etc.

As for any arguments about his running mate, I think the Obama campaign realized they shouldn't criticize Ms. Palin's experience when their No. 1 has even less executive experience. Well, he did chair a left wing education reform group with Bill Ayers for a little while. Does that make him qualified for the presidency? Oh, and he went to an Ivy League school and wrote for the law review. We can't forget that.

Anyway, that's what I think.