Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fun with Chuck E.

Fall is the busiest time of the year for us. Take today for example. With four kids who interact with other kids, there is at least one to twenty birthday parties a month (I might have exaggerated the high there). This morning the party was a Chuck E Cheese's. Chuck seems to be a nice enough guy, but the place is a mad house on a Saturday at lunchtime. Then add keeping track of four kids who are let loose to play the video games/rides, collect tickets for prizes, and fend off potential undesireables (this Blog is PG so I won't elaborate on this). The most frustrating part for me is the non stop multimedia "entertainment". Theres a anamatronic Chuck E that sings and dances, a "live" Chuck E, and the Chuck E that appears in short videos on multiple screens. By the end of it, all I want to do is run from that place.

My niece Emily wrote about running over a racoon on her Blog tonight. All I can hope for after Chuck E. Cheese is to see that mouse walking in the parking lot. You can't fault somone for running over a racoon that jumps out in the road, what could they say about a bloated mouse?


Emily said...

Nothing Jimmy, you can't say anything, in the spirit of good ole' Chucky, 10 points for the bloated mouse!!!

Emily said...

Or Chuck E rather, I better get that right.

Abby said...

What does the E. stand for?

Anonymous said...

Um... I spent good money on that party.