Wednesday, October 29, 2008

That's an X word!

The xanthippe had had it. It had been days since she had seen them. Looking daily for a xebec or something larger. Would they ever come and take her from the xenocratic hell that she suffered through? Her daily ascension of the xanthocaprous limbs in search of the weekly xenium had made her xenophobic at best. The others embraced them, fast engulfing her in their xenophilia. She was chosen because of her xenagogueery. She had pleased them in the beginning with her xenial nature.

Now, her only solace was her xylography and speaking with Chalo a xeme that accompanied her while she worked. Chalo was a rich gray, but her xanthopsia told another story. If only there were a xylotherapy she could try to bring some relief. Her xenopmenia always grew worse in times like these. But that was not her primary concern now.

She would stand daily looking, dodging xiphosurans hoping to see her saviors, hoping at the very least to meet a xiphias to end it all.


I'm just going to say one thing: You asked for it.

On another note, check out the new poll! There will not be any more word options for the foreseeable future. Thanks for the increased turnout for the last one, it shows you that every vote counts. Rock it Baby!

Also, please leave your comments. I want to know what you are thinking. I will answer any questions in an upcoming post. Just think of me as your source for detailed analysis and expert commentary.

Also, check back later for upcoming posts on some topics you've requested. If you think of a suitable topic, suggest it. There's no bad ideas when your brainstormin'-that's from my favorite show on the Disney Channel.

Finally, the Definitions:

xanthippe--ill-tempered woman
xanthocarpous--having yellow fruit
xebec--small three-masted pirate ship
xeme--fork-tailed gull
xenium--gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift
xenocracy--government by a body of foreigners
xenophilia--love of foreigners
xenophobia--fear of foreigners
xylography--art of engraving on wood
xenagogue--guide; someone who conducts strangers
xenial--of or concerning hospitality towards guests
xanthopsia--a visual condition where things appear yellow
xylotherapy--use of certain sorts of wood in treating disease
xenomenia--menstruation from abnormal orifices
xiphosuran--horseshoe crab

Don't we all feel smarter?


Kristen said...

wow - you're amazing.
I'll let you know if I think of any questions.

oh, here's a question: why don't you leave comments on our blog?? :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where did you come from?